
Few of the many success stories.


Pat casey, Illinois

A mutual friend introduced me to Mary earlier this year.  Bryce had been training in obedience & agility for two years, but he just had no concentration. It seemed that his head was spinning and his eyes were in constant motion.  He could not concentrate on any one thing.  I called it attention deficit.  Mary developed two different formulas - one for 30 days, then on to the second. I saw a difference within about two weeks.  By formula two, Bryce was able to concentrate, to watch me and to "think" as he was working his obstacles.  He is so much happier & really enjoys his performance activities. Mary has been so very helpful and really listens as I informed her as to how Bryce is doing.

Dana, illinois

It was a Sunday evening in December of 2017 when I got the phone call that one of my three older brothers had died. It was not a call I could have ever imagined getting.  Losing a sibling is so different than other losses.  I was really struggling. I couldn't function. I stayed in pajamas and in bed for almost a month. 

It was after my brother's funeral that Mary reached out to me. She wanted to see how I was doing and let me know that she and the rest of the family were thinking of us during such a terribly difficult time.  I must say, I was hesitant to even talk to Mary because I was feeling such an overload of emotions. I didn't think I could even get anything out that needed to be said. After a few conversations, I was able to share how I was feeling and what I had been experiencing. Mary is a great listener and comforter. She told me about some flower essences that might be able to soothe me and help me through this tough time. I had never heard about using flowers for anything. Mary was knowledgeable and great at explaining it all in layman's terms. 

I met up with Mary and was given a spray bottle of Grief Relief. She told me the different ways I could use it to help me start to heal in some way. Every morning I added some to my water bottle and each night sprayed some into my mouth. By the 2nd week I could tell it was helping me quite a bit. I did not wake up with the intense feeling of  emptiness and gloom. I was able to share my feelings with close friends and my husband a bit easier.  The portable bottle made it easy to carry with me and once I returned to work in came with me in my school bag. You see, I was a 1st grade teacher at the time. I knew my students would ask questions, along with their parents, that might trigger my strong emotions. 

Mary made sure to check up on me, making sure I was actually getting some relief. She said she could adjust things or try something else if needed. Her attentiveness to what my feelings and experiences were made me feel so well cared for.

This past Christmas we suffered another blow. My mother-in-law passed. Having just moved to be closer to her, we have not unpacked all of our things.  I will be speaking with Mary once again for a blend for my husband and myself to help us manage a bit better. I completely believe in the flower essences, and the blends have helped me through some of the toughest events in my life.  Mary is like my personal guardian angel to introduce me to her passion, which is helping people and pets get through some struggles in an easier way. I truly believe in the flower essences that Mary provides, and will be trying a blend for my dog, too. 

d.g., Illinois

My young, male Akita was locked inside himself.  He had no confidence and was easily overwhelmed and overstimulated by the goings-on around him.  Through the consistent use of various Flowers Essences he has been expanding his tolerance to noise and activity, and even allowing himself to be more affectionate and occasionally initiating contact from people.  Flower Essences have helped him to lower his guard and unlock his ability to enjoy the world around him.

Bobbie K., Illinois

I have been using flower essence for my dog for 3 years. I put it in her drinking water to aid the well being of her liver. I have been very grateful for her ongoing good health.

P.p., Illinois

My first experience with flower essences was in the early 2000’s.  Mary was looking for subjects for her casework for her flower essence studies.  We were sitting in her back yard on a warm summer day. She asked me if I would allow her to use our dog Lucky as one of her case studies.  When she first asked, I thought “what is this ‘voodoo science’ she’s trying to get me to sign onto?”

Mary patiently explained all she currently knew from her flower essence studies.  Our dad was a very scientific type who, if asked, would have said “you’re CRAZY!” when asked to believe in the power of flowers to heal one’s hurts.  I was my father’s daughter, but shrugged and said I’d let Mary use Lucky for her studies. Mary convinced me that these “flower essence things” weren’t going to poison my dog or cause any harm at all.  Worst case scenario? They wouldn’t bring about any noticeable changes. I have to say, it was a big leap of faith on my part, but leap I did.

After a number of weeks and months, I began to see changes in Lucky’s personality.  And, more importantly, without cueing him, my husband noticed these changes as well.  Lucky’s story can still be found as a case study on the Flower Essence Society website.  I encourage you to read it. If I didn’t live though the case study, I still would be skeptical!

Fast forward to about 2006.  I had been put in charge of a HUGE two-year project at work.  This project had a lot of moving parts, was stressful in the most extreme way, and essentially took over my life for those many months.  My bosses indicated that failure to perform on this project was not an option. Many times I felt as if I was at the breaking point. Things were really starting to look grim, and the extreme stress was starting to take a toll.  I felt myself getting wound up tighter and tighter. I couldn’t concentrate, had no energy, and couldn’t get organized. It really wasn’t a good time in my life.

Mary offered to make a flower essence formula to try to help.  After what seemed like endless questions to try to get down to the very basic issues, Mary came up with a formula and I started taking it by mouth in spray form.  By this time, I knew that flower essences are not like taking a “happy pill” that works instantly. Rather, they take a little bit longer and work subtly to bring about changes that way.  I was willing to give it a try. I don’t remember exactly how long it took, but I remember sitting at my desk on a quiet Saturday morning and polishing off a status report on this project with the clearest mind I ever remember having.  All of a sudden, I had this awareness, if you will, that this clear-headedness was the result of the flower essences I was taking!

Flower essences did not magically get the project done or even eliminate the physical strain from the job, but it got me over the hump and to the finish line.  From that moment on, I had confidence in my skills, clear thinking so that I could communicate our progress on the project, and the awareness to see my accomplishments on this project as one of my life’s greatest challenges and best successes.  Without the flower essence formula Mary made for me using her intuition, I don’t think I would have seen any of those successes in my situation.

I have become a believer in the power of these substances that God hid from us for millennia.  Using the brains and intuition He has given us to unleash the energy in the flowers of His creation, there is help for those who are in need of healing.  Now, I like to try safe, natural healing methods first whenever possible, and I try to live a little more in tune with God’s healing plan instead of working against it.

As Mary likes to say, “God has given us everything we need to live healthy lives.”  One of those things is the energy found in the flowers that are used to create these healing essences.  They have the power to transform lives—animal AND human.

Julie T., ILlinois

We adopted a 1-1/2 old Duck Toller with limited experiences in the home and in a neighborhood.  She was skittish around new noises and experiences and would cry when crated.  Our vet recommended Tramadol.  We did not want to drug her, but we only had a week to cure her before we had to go back to work.  We reached out to MaryAnne at Inner Spirit Healing for some help.  She gave us 2 Flower Essence formulas – New Home and Missing You.  Within a few days we noticed a difference in her.  She was calmer and more open to new experiences.  And no drugs.  

We adopted another dog 2 weeks later; an 8 year old Setter who’s owner had just passed away.  She had separation anxiety and would work herself up into a tizzy if we crated her.  She had been a Show dog, so had plenty of experience with being crated.   We again asked for MaryAnne’s assistance.  She recommended the 2 Flower Essences that we had given the Duck Toller, but also added a 3rd Flower Essence “Be Calm”.  This dog took longer to come around, but within 2 weeks, we were able to leave her and have her be calm while we were away from the house.

MaryAnne responded very quickly to what we saw as an emergency situation and acted with understanding, empathy and a great foresight on what would help our dogs get over their issues and be their best selves. She removed stress from the dogs but also their new owners by accurately assessing the situation and getting us the help we needed quickly.  We will definitely reach out to her again when and if we are in need. 

T. Webley, Idaho

t webley.jpg

I have been a client of Mary’s for several years.  I rescued a beautiful half lab half Rhodesian Ridgeback I named Maverick.  He had issues...stubborn, unsure, knocked me down twice, was scared and had trust issues. I needed help.  A very dear friend of mine referred me to Mary and flower essences.  Mary has a flower essence called “Release the Past “ that had been used for rescue dogs. I started Maverick on it. His behavior improved dramatically.  He became confident, trusting and very loving.  I was totally amazed.  When I rescue another dog I will use this.  It brought out the best in him.  We worked together everyday.  He was incredibly smart and a very fast learner.  I also have used several flower essences for myself.  It’s amazing what positive results I get.  Mary can make you a flower essence customized for just you. I highly recommend her flower essences as well as essential oils.  Mary is a certified practitioner and she uses high quality products to create the very best for you and you dog.